Delphine Tanguy ====== Contact ====== **Email:** \\ **Address:** \\ MediCIS - LTSI UMR1099 INSERM \\ Faculté de Médecine, Université de Rennes 1\\ 2 avenue du Prof. Léon Bernard\\ 35043 Rennes cedex - France\\ **Assistant:** Noemie Buisard : +33 2 23 23 69 30 ====== Research areas ====== Neurosciences, Ethology, Dementias\\ **PhD project:** //Neural basis of disinhibition in neurodegenerative diseases//\\ **Collaboration:** \\ FrontLab\\ Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière UMR_S 1127/UMR 7225 \\ 47 Boulevard de l'hôpital\\ 75013 Paris ====== Research objectives ====== Inhibition troubles occur in several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia or Parkinson's disease. These disorders affecting the daily lives of patients are also known to be a major cause of distress for caregivers. However, neural correlates of disinhibition are still poorly known and management remains limited.\\ The main objective of my PhD project is to study behavioural and cognitive disinhibition in bvFTD and AD patients through a semi-ecological task, a neuropsychological assessment and MRI analyses. The aim is to differentiate between different sub-forms of disinhibition associated with different neural network impairments. ====== Conferences ====== **Assessing disinhibition behaviour in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia patients using ecological and cognitive tasks **\\ Measuring Behavior 2018 - Manchester