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Available data-sets

NeuroSurgicalTools dataset

You can access here information about the dataset or download directly corresponding images and annotations files here.

MR mono-subject template

You can access here the images files of the MRI T1 template, T2 Template and T1/T2 mixed MR template which are made freely available to our community. These templates were created in order to improve visualization of spatially complex deep brain structures such as basal ganglia. They can used as a reference for neuroimage processing methods.

Software Development


ProcSide is an open source platform software used to record surgical procedure and perform statistical studies.


pyDBS is a software environment for planning, performing and assessing deep brain stimulation from medical images and digital atlases. It is developed with in the ANR ACouStiC project.


taopy, is an extension of NIPY (, a Python project that provides a uniform interface to existing neuroimaging software (FSL, Freesurfer, Brainvisa, dtk…) and integrates new functionalities.

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