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Research Activities

MediCIS - UMR U1099 LTSI activities concern the development of new information science algorithms dedicated to the study of modeling approaches for model guided surgery and interventions. It aims at improving surgical quality by means of surgical decision and performance support and surgical skill evaluation and training.

General Methodological Objectives

Our approach for surgical data science
Our objective is to study methods for modelling and analysis surgical and interventional knowledge and processes allowing the development of a new generation of computer assisted surgical (CAS) systems with full decision-making support. In this context, we are addressing the general problems of conception of the surgical room of the future. We address the issue of modelling relying on the Surgical Data Science methodology.

Clinical Applications

Cranial and spinal surgery. Functional neurosurgery (such as Deep Brain Stimulation). Surgery of brain tumors. Gynecological surgery. Orthopaedics surgery. ENT surgery. Eye surgery. Laparoscopic surgery.


Surgical Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Surgical Quality, Patient Safety, Computer Assisted Surgery, Surgical Robotics, Surgical Training, Surgical Evaluation, Non technical surgical skills, Ontology, Semantic Modeling, Machine and Deep Learning, Image guided Surgery, Surgical Process Models, Knowledge Modeling, Surgical Workflow, Operating Room of the Future

Main Axes

inserm rennes1 ltsi