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Alexandre ABADIE


Email :
Adresse : IRISA / INRIA Rennes
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex - France
Tél : +33 2 99 84 22 17
Tél (bis) : +33 2 23 23 49 22
Fax : +33 2 99 84 71 71
Assistante : Aline Grosset 02 23 23 47 18


  • Since 2006, Research engineer, VisAGeS research unit
  • 2005, Scientific sofware engineer and HPC system administrator, Reunion Island University
  • 2004, Masters degree in Signal and image processing, telecoms, University of Rennes 1
  • 2004, Masters degree in computer science and telecoms, IFSIC, Université of Rennes 1


  • Software development engineer in VisAGeS research team
  • System administrator in the experimental research platform NEURINFO
  • Experimentation and development service member (SED) at the INRIA Rennes center
  • Webmaster of VisAGeS website (Dokuwiki)


Take a look at the demos here


  • TPs de traitements d'images avec Matlab à l'école Louis de Broglie (4ème et 5ème années)
  • TPs de traitements d'images médicales avec ImageJ en Master 1 SIBM


<bibtex> @conference{Abadie10, author = “A. Abadie and R. Carpentier and P. Hellier and P. Jannin and J.-Y. Gauvrit and S. Diabira and P.-L. Hénaux and L. Riffaud and C. Haegelen and A. Hamlat and G. Brassier and X. Morandi”, address = “Paris, France”, booktitle = “Congr{\`e}s de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, SNCLF'10”, month = “December”, title = “Une plateforme logicielle de neurochirurgie assistée par l'image”, year = “2010”, } @InProceedings{Lalys10a,

 Author = {Lalys, F. and Haegelen, C. and Baillieul, M. and Abadie, A. and Jannin, P.},
 Title = {Anatomo-clinical atlases in subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation correlating clinical data and electrode contacts coordinates},
 BookTitle = {7th Annual World Congress for Brain Mapping and Image Guided Therapy, IBMISPS'2010},
 Address = {Washington DC, USA},
 Month = {May},
 Year = {2010}

} @conference{lalys09, author = {Florent Lalys and Claire Haegelen and Alexandre Abadie and Pierre Jannin}, editor = {Michael I. Miga and Kenneth H. Wong}, title = {Post-operative assessment in Deep Brain Stimulation based on multimodal images: registration workflow and validation}, publisher = {SPIE}, year = {2009}, journal = {Medical Imaging 2009: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling}, volume = {7261}, number = {1}, numpages = {10}, pages = {72612M}, location = {Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA}, doi = {10.1117/12.810475} } @InProceedings{ Lalys09c,

Author = "F. Lalys and C. Haegelen and A. Abadie and O. El-Ganaoui and P. Jannin",
Title = "{Analyse post-opératoire en stimulation cérébrale profonde basée sur des images multimodales : mise en place et validation des chaînes de recalage}",
BookTitle = "Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, ORASIS'09",
Address = "Trégastel, France",
Month = "June",
Year = "2009"

} </bibtex>


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