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Job Offers

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

  • 2021: 18 month postdoctoral position in surgical data science
  • For Post doc positions, some more may be available soon. Please contact directly Pierre Jannin.

Research Engineer Position

The AIR project from the University of Rennes 1, in collaboration with other partners, is one of the few national funded research projects to study new digital forms for teaching. Specifically, the AIR project aims to develop innovative operational solutions to increase and enrich pedagogical interactions through digital means.

Within this 3-year project, the MediCIS/LTSI team aims

  1. to study and develop innovative virtual reality based simulators to help learning non-technical medical and surgical skills,
  2. to study data driven approaches for quantitative and objective assessment of skills based on machine learning and multimodal sensors, and
  3. to promote the usage of and evaluate the developed systems and tools in medical contexts within the simulation center of the university and the collaborating medical simulation and training centers.

For this project, we are seeking for one postdoc, study engineer or research engineer in the area of virtual reality. Her/his role will consist in designing and evaluating VR medical scenarios in close collaboration with clinical partners and psychologists, and also with a PhD student in the field of artificial intelligence and data analysis and a PhD student in psychology.

The MediCIS/LTSI lab is located within the medical university and is composed of researchers both from engineering and medicine working together on societal high value projects, in a context of responsible research, aware of social, environmental and ethical impacts.

Please contact, or/and for more information (including detailed CV, letter of motivation, emails of referees, publication list for the post-doc or description of developed projects for the engineer).


PhD Thesis

Internship proposals

  • 2022: Stage recherche en informatique et vision par ordinateur “Detection/Recognition of motion patterns in 3D for hand gesture recognition”
  • 2022: Stage recherche en data-mining “Analysis of surgical procedures using data- and text-mining techniques”

Old proposals

You would like to work with us and you come from abroad ?

Please find a lot of useful information at the University Department in charge of International students and researchers:

inserm rennes1 ltsi