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Team Coordinator: Pierre Jannin
MediCIS is a INSERM research team of the UMR Inserm U1099 LTSI from University of Rennes, affiliated to INSERM (National Institute of Health and Scientific Research) and is located in Rennes, France at the Medical University.
The MediCIS team’s project aims at improving surgical quality by means of Surgical Data Science for both surgical performance and training. Surgical data science has the potential to revolutionize surgery. Relying upon recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning, surgical data science aims to rely on data collected all along the surgical process, being analyzed to produce explicit knowledge that can be used for decision support, evaluation or training. Following our pioneered research on surgical process modeling and analysis, surgical data science includes analysis of human and effectors processes in addition to patient data. An holistic analysis of the surgical environment is then used for developing the next generation of computer assisted surgical systems and surgical simulators.
Improving surgical quality by means of:
Our core competencies: Surgical Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data fusion and image processing, Ontologies
For more details about the methodological and applicative objectives on these issues, go to the Scientific Activities page.