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LTSI - INSERM, U1099, Equipe Medicis
Faculté de Médecine, Université Rennes I
2 av du Prof. Léon Bernard
35043 Rennes cedex - France
Assistant : Noemie Buisard, tel : +33 2 23 23 69 30
Since November 2020: PhD Program
MediCis, Unit of Medical Research, Inserm 1099 University of Rennes 1
Under the direction of Pierre Jannin (PhD) and Hervé Thomazeau (MD, PhD)
Title of PhD: « Place de l'apprentissage de la chirurgie arthroscopique utilisant la simulation en réalité virtuelle à propos d'un geste : la méniscectomie »
With reduced resident work hours, increasing patient demands, and more and more hospital financial burden, the traditional mentoring reached its limits. Therefore, last few years have seen important advances in the orthopedic residency training with additional time and new teaching tools. Simulation is one of the tools proposed for training, and it has already proved its worth in the behavioral field. Its evolution towards virtual reality (VR) is now proposed for procedural training because it offers a tool at the borderline between theoretical and practical realities and, above all, tirelessly reproducible. Arthroscopic surgery is particularly well suited to this VR simulation because of its per-operative visual feedback on a 2D screen. However, and although there are more and more scientific articles talking about the interest of VR simulation in arthroscopic surgery, few report its validity when transposing competency from the simulator to the operating room. My research objectives are to enhance surgical training with the wisely use of VR simulation in order to propose a gradually and safely surgical curricula.
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