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Bernard GIBAUD

Personal data

  • Born in 1957
  • Married, 3 children

Email :
Adresse : Equipe MediCIS, LTSI Inserm 1099
Faculté de médecine
2 Avenue du Pr Léon Bernard
35043 Rennes cedex - France
Tél : +33 2 23 23 45 90
Portable : +33 6 51 83 07 89
Assistante : Noémie BUISARD tel : +33 2 23 23 47 18

Field of Activity

  • My current research is oriented on the creation and use of ontologies and other semantic web technologies to support the annotation and sharing of image related data, knowledge, and computing resources for applications in biomedical research and PACS, especially in neuroimaging and image guided surgery.


Background and Past Positions

  • I joined INSERM as research associate in 1985 in Unit 335 of INSERM (“Compréhension et Communication des Signaux et Images en Médecine”, Dir: J-M Scarabin)
  • Interim-director of UPRES EA 2232 “Cortex Cérébral et Epilepsies” (1997-1999)
  • Director of UPRES EA 3192 “Intégration de Données Multimédia en anatomie et physiologie cérébrale pour l'aide à la décision et l'enseignement”, INSERM ESPRI (2000-2005)
  • Senior INSERM researcher with INSERM (2006-2011) in Unit 746 of INSERM (“Vision, Action et Gestion d'informations en Santé”, Dir: C. Barillot) (2006-2011)
  • with LTSI (Laboratoire de Traitement du Signal et de l'Image) Inserm 1099 Director: Lotfi Senhadji - MediCIS team (2012-…)

Major Past Research Activities

  • 3D multimodal imaging in neurosurgery
  • SIRENE Project: first generation national PACS project (1985-1989)
  • MIMOSA Project (Medical Image Management in an Open System Architecture), in the contex of the EurIPACS project - AIM DG XIII program (1992-1994)
  • NeuroLOG project : Sharing of distributed heterogeneous resources in neuroimaging, ANR grant (2007-2010)
  • Virtual Imaging Platform Project , ANR grant (2010-2012)
  • Production of semantic annotations for the sharing of Deep Brain Stimulation treatment data in patients with Parkinson's disease (“défi émergent” grant from Rennes 1 University in 2013-2014) "presentation at the M-DBS Workshop in Rennes (24/1/2013)")
  • CrEDIBLE Project , about ontology-based federated systems in medical imaging, Supported by the CNRS Mastodons Program (2012-2015)
  • Ontology-based image annotation systems (2006-2015), currently applied in the field of DTI for brain connections annotation
  • b<>com Technology Research Institute (IRT): IsIMED project on distributed medical imaging infostructure and semantic representation of imaging biomarkers (2013-2017)

Major Current Research Activities

Other Past Activities

  • Standardization : CEN TC251 WG 4 then 7 (1990-1999); DICOM WG23 (as representative of the French Society of Radiology IT group)
  • GDR STIC-Santé - 2007-2011: Co-chair (with M-C Jaulent, Paris) of Section C “Medical Information Systems and Databases”


  • Master MTIBH (Methods of processing of biomedical and healthcare information), University of Rennes I - in charge of the organization of Module 7 “Integration of data and systems”
  • Master SIBM (Signals and Images in Biology and Medicine), Universities of Rennes, Angers and Brest - in charge (with C. Cavaro-Ménard, Angers) of the organization of Module 3 “Management of complex data”
  • Master SIBM (Signals and Images and Medicine), University of Paris XII-Créteil - The DICOM Standard.
  • Master Biomedical Equipment, University of Technology of Compiègne - Management of medical images.

Some Recent Publications

  • Gibaud B. Imaging biobanks. Special Focus Session on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications. European Congress of Radiology 2018, Vienna (Austria). "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Integrating an imaging biobank in a BBMRI biobank. ESR/BBMRI-ERIC Session: Linkink imaging biobanks to -omics : the role of BBMRI and ESR. European Congress of Radiology 2018, Vienna (Austria). "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Organisation of dose management systems and repositories for radiation protection and biomedical research: possibilities and limitations of current implementations and standards. EFOMP Workshop: Radiation Dose Management systems and repositories: the present and the future. European Congress of Radiology 2018, Vienna (Austria). "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Image sharing and biobanks. EuSoMII Academy: Game changers in radiology, Rotterdam, November 18th, 2017. "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Intégration du compte rendu structuré dand l'environnement radiologique moderne. Journées Francophones de Radiologie. 15 Octobre 2016. Paris. "Slides"
  • Holub P., Gibaud B. Biobanks and Imaging; the bioinformatic challenge, from MIABIS to DICOM. Medical imaging and biobanking (radiology and digital pathology) - a joint BBMRI/ESR session, Europe Biobank Week, 15 September 2016, Vienna (Austria). "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Semantic models and ontologies in Surgical Data Science. Workshop on Surgical Data Science, June 20, 2016, Heidelberg (Germany). "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. OntoSPM, a core ontology for surgical process models: motivations, working assumptions and current status. First Workshop OntoSPM. 28-29 April, 2016. "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. What are ontologies : how can they help implementing interoperable imaging biobanks ? Professional Challenges 9 “Biobanks meet imaging”, ECR 2016, Vienna."Slides"
  • Amdouni E., Morvan Y., Gibaud B. Towards an Imaging Biomarker Ontology Based on the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry (Poster). Proceedings of the 8th Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences International Conference (SWAT4LS), Cambridge UK, December 7-10, CEUR Vol. 1546, 193-194.
  • Katic D., Julliard C., Wekerle A.L., Kenngott H., Müller-Stich B.P., Dillmann R., Speidel S., Jannin P., Gibaud B. LapOntoSPM - An Ontology for Laparoscopic Surgeries and its Application to Surgical Phase Recognition. Int J Computer Asssited Radiology and Surgery 2015 Sep;10(9):1427-34.
  • Moreau T., Gibaud B. Ontology-based approach for in vivo human connectomics: the medial Brodmann area 6 case study. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. eCollection 2015.
  • Gibaud B. Sharing imaging biomarkers in imaging biobanks. Professional Challenges 5b “Imaging biobanks: from genomic to radiomic in the era of personalised medicine”, ECR 2015, Vienna."Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Towards ontologies for imaging biomarkers description. Annual Workshop of the CrEDIBLE project (CNRS, MASTODONS), 8-10 October 2014, Sophia-Antipolis (France).
  • Gibaud B. Imaging biomarkers and PACS ontologies. Annual Conference of the European Society of Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII), 24-27 September 2014, Warsaw (Poland). "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Organisation et interopérabilité des banques d'images pour la recherche biomédicale. Assembée Générale du GDR STIC-Santé 24 septembre 2014, Ste Foy les Lyon. "Slides"
  • Gibaud B. Ontology of imaging datasets as a prerequisite for ontologies of imaging biomarkers. Ontology and Imaging Informatics Workshop, June 23-25, 2014 Amherst, NY, USA.
  • Batrancourt B., Dojat M., Gibaud B., Kassel G. A multilayer ontology of instruments for neurological, behavioural and cognitive assessments. Neuroinformatics 13:93-110, 2015.
  • Gibaud B., Forestier G., Benoit-Cattin H., Cervenansky F., Clarysse P., Friboulet D., Gaignard A., Hugonnard P., Lartizien C., Liebgott H., Montagnat J. Tabary J., Glatard T. OntoVIP: an ontology for the annotation of object models used for medical image simulation. Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2014).
  • Gaignard A., Montagnat J., Gibaud B., Forestier G, Glatard T. Domain-specific summarisation of Life-science e-experiments from provenance traces, Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web. 2014.
  • Gibaud B. Dismantling PACS: separating image viewing from the data storage and sharing. Refreshing Course 305 “New PACS architecture: decoupling image management from image navigation”, ECR'2013, Vienna."Slides in pdf"
  • Gibaud B. Approche ontologique pour la représentation et le partage de données en Stimulation Cérébrale Profonde (SCP). Atelier M-DBS, 24 janvier 2013, Rennes. "slides in pdf"
  • Glatard T., Lartizien C., Gibaud B., da Silva R.F., Forestier G., Cervenansky F., Alessandrini M., Benoit-Cattin H., Bernard O., Camarasu-Pop S., Cerezo N., Clarysse P., Gaignard A., Hugonnard P., Liebgott H., Marache S., Marion A., Montagnat J., Tabary J., Friboulet D. A virtual imaging platform for multi-modality medical image simulation. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2013 Jan;32(1):110-8.
  • Magro E., Moreau T., Seizeur R., Gibaud B., Morandi X. Characterization of short white matter fiber bundles in the central area from diffusion tensor MRI. Neuroradiology, 2012, 54(11):1275-85.
  • Gibaud B. Semantic web technologies for sharing and reuse of imaging-related information. Refreshing Course 305 “Image processing and computer-aided diagnosis (CAD)”, ECR'2012, Vienna."Slides in pdf"
  • Glatard T., Marion A., Benoit-Cattin H., Camarasu-Pop S., Clarysse P., Ferreira da Silva R., Forestier G, Gibaud B., Lartizien C., Liebgott H., Moulin K., Friboulet D. Multi-modality image simulation with the Virtual Imaging Platform: illustration on cardiac echography and MRI. ISBI' 2012, Barcelona (Spain), accepted.
  • Gibaud B., Kassel G., Dojat M., Batrancourt B., Michel F., Gaignard A., Montagnat J. NeuroLOG: sharing neuroimaging data using an ontology-based federated approach. AMIA 2011. "AMIA Slides"
  • Forestier G., Marion A., Benoit-Cattin H., Clarysse P., Friboulet D., Glatard T., Hugonnard P., Lartizien C., Liebgott H., Tabary J., Gibaud B. Sharing object models for multi-modality image simulation: a semantic approach. CBMS 2011, Bristol 2011.
  • Marion A., Forestier G., Benoit-Cattin H., Camarasu-Pop S., Clarysse P., Ferreira da Silva R., Gibaud B., Glatard T., Hugonnard P., Lartizien C., Liebgott H., Tabary J., Valette S., Friboulet D. Sharing object models for multi-modality image simulation: a semantic approach. CBMS 2011, Bristol 2011.
  • Gibaud B. Semantic web: key technologies for bridging imaging and translational medicine. Imaging in Medicine, December 2010, Vol. 2, No. 6, Pages 609-611.
  • Batrancourt B, Dojat M, Gibaud B, and Kassel G. A core ontology of instruments used for neurological, behavioral and cognitive assessments. In: A. Galton and R. Mizoguchi, eds., Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2010), IOS Press, Toronton (Ca), May 2010.
  • Michel F, Gaignard A, Ahmad F, Barillot C, Batrancourt B, Dojat M, Gibaud B, Girard P, Godard D, Kassel G, Lingrand D, Malandain G, Montagnat J, Pélégrini-Issac M, Pennec X, Rojas Balderrama J, Wali B. Grid-wide neuroimaging data federation in the context of the NeuroLOG project, HealthGrid’10 (HG’10), IOS Press, Paris, France, June 2010.
  • Mechouche A, Golbreich C, Morandi X, Gibaud B. A hybrid system using symbolic and numeric knowledge for the semantic annotation of sulco-gyral anatomy in brain MRI images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging ;28(8):1165-78.
  • Temal L, Dojat M, Kassel G, Gibaud B. Towards an ontology for sharing medical images and regions of interest in neuroimaging. J Biomed Inform. 2008 Oct;41(5):766-78. Epub 2008 Mar 17.
  • Dameron O, Musen MA, and Gibaud B. Using semantic dependencies for consistency management of an ontology of brain-cortex anatomy. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 39(3):217-225, 2007.
  • Mechouche A, Golbreich C, Morandi X, Gibaud B. Ontology-based annotation of brain MRI images, in “AMIA - American Medical Informatics Association- AMIA 2008, Washington, USA”, AMIA (editor), 2008.

Book Chapters

  • Chabriais J and Gibaud B. DICOM, le standard pour l’imagerie médicale, In 'Traitement de l'image - de la numérisation à l'archivage et à la communication' (coordonné par O. Hélénon), Elsevier-Masson, p. 99-150. 2013.
  • Gibaud B and Chabriais J. Systèmes de communication et d’archivage d’images et leur intégration dans les systèmes de gestion de dossiers patient, In 'Traitement de l'image - de la numérisation à l'archivage et à la communication' (coordonné par O. Hélénon), Elsevier-Masson, p. 151-196. 2013.
  • Scarabin JM, Mercier Ph, Delion M, Barillot C, Jannin P, Gibaud B, Berton E. From Bourgery's anatomy to multiparameter, 3D, digital imaging, individual for each patient. In 'Stereotaxy and epilepsy surgery' Jean-Marie Scarabin (Ed), published by John Libbey Eurotext Editions, p. 41-90, 2012.
  • Cordonnier E, Croci S, Hervault B, Lemoine D, Mével G, Gibaud B. Communicative neuroimaging.In 'Stereotaxy and epilepsy surgery' Jean-Marie Scarabin (Ed), published by John Libbey Eurotext Editions, p. 158-178, 2012.
  • Gibaud B and Chabriais J. Les systèmes de communication et d’archivage d’images et leur intégration dans les systèmes de gestion de dossiers patient, Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (EMC) Radiologie et imagerie médicale - principes et techniques d’imagerie, Vol 35-125-A-10, Bol 7, n°1, Elsevier, 2012.
  • Chabriais J and Gibaud B. DICOM, le standard pour l’imagerie médicale, Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale - Radiologie et imagerie médicale - principes et technique - radioprotection, 35-120-A-10, 2010.
  • Gibaud B. The DICOM Standard: a brief overview, in “Molecular imaging: Computer reconstruction and practice”, Y. LE MOIGNE , A. CANER (editors), Springer, 2008, p. 229–238
  • Gibaud B and Chabriais J, The role of standards in the compression of medical images, in « Compression of medical images and signals », Amine Naït-Ali and Christine Cavaro-Ménard (eds), Digital signal and image processing series, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., pp 77-100, 2008.
  • Gibaud B and Chabriais J. Les systèmes de communication et d’archivage d’images et leur intégration dans les systèmes de gestion de dossiers patient, Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (EMC) Radiodiagnostic – Principes et techniques d’imagerie, Vol 35-125-A-10, Elsevier, 2005.


  • Gibaud B. : Intéropérabilité syntaxique et sémantique pour l’échange de données et de connaissances en imagerie médicale, Thèse d’Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Rennes I, 2000.Habilitation thesis

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