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Address : MediCIS - LTSI UMR1099 INSERM
Faculté de Médecine, Université de Rennes 1
2 avenue du Prof. Léon Bernard
CS 34317
35043 Rennes cedex - France
Assistant : Noemie Buisard : +33 2 23 23 69 30
Medical image processing, deep learning, human-computer interaction in machine intelligence, variational-optimization in image segmentation
My current research concerns how clinicians interact with machine intelligence to define and solve complex problems in medical image processing. This work extends from my PhD thesis in developing variational optimization algorithms for medical image processing which allow clinical users to more readily describe the properties of the image and structure of the anatomy being imaged. (I completed my PhD in The Virtual Augmentation and Simulation for Surgery and Therapy (VASST) laboratory at the Robarts Research Institute in London, Ontario, Canada. You can view my former PhD page at VASST.)
I am interested in developing solutions in machine learning that allow for easier and more nuanced communication of complex information between the computer and the clinical user. This focus includes technical development in areas such as medical image processing, visualization and deep learning, but also extends to more theoretically-oriented in human-computer interaction, philosophy of medicine, and semiotics. (For an example of the latter, please read my paper on The Semiotics of Medical Image Segmentation published in Medical Image Analysis.)
I am currently applying these methods in the realm of functional neurosurgery, specifically deep brain stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation. This includes a variety of technical problems, specifically concerning the localisation and segmentation of small or ill-defined anatomical structures in cranial MRI.