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Email :
Personal email :
Addresses :
LTSI - INSERM, U1099, Equipe Medicis
Faculté de Médecine, Université Rennes I
2 av du Prof. Léon Bernard
35043 Rennes cedex - France

Assistant : Noemie Buisard, tel : +33 2 23 23 69 30

Background and Position

2013-2015 : University Technology Diplomas Biological and Biochemical analyses - Tours, France
2015-2016 : Professional degree GMC - Nancy Brabois, France
2016 (7 months) : Trainee research technician at UMR 1098 - Pr. Borg - Besançon, France
2017 : Biological technician at Department Pathological Anatomy - Brest, France
2017 - 2019 : Research technician at UMR 1227 - Pr. Pers - Brest, France
2019 - 2021 : Bio-informatic master Degree at University of Rennes 1 - Rennes, France
2020 : Trainee bioinformatician at Centrale-Supélec UMR 6164 - Mr Leglaive - Rennes, France
2021 : Trainee bioinformatician at LTSI UMR 1099, MediCis team - Mr Jannin - Rennes, France

2021-2024: PhD Student at MediCis, Unit of Medical Research, Inserm 1099 University of Rennes 1
Title of PhD: « Evaluation and Quantitative Analysis of Surgical Ergonomics »
Under the direction of Xavier Morandi(MD, PhD) and Pierre Jannin (PhD)

Research areas


Vallée, N., Tronchot, A., Casy, T., Thomazeau, H., Jannin, P., Maximen, J., & Huaulme, A. (2024). Virtual reality-based simulation improves rotator cuff repair skill: a randomized transfer validity study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 104053.

Henry, R., Cordillet, S., Rauscent, H., Bonan, I., Huaulmé, A., Marleix, S., Jannin, P., Casy, T. & Violas, P. (2024). Comparison of the OpenPose system and the reference optoelectronic system for gait analysis of lower-limb angular parameters in children. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 104044.

Tronchot, A., Maximen, J., Casy, T., Common, H., Thomazeau, H., Jannin, P., & Huaulmé, A. (2024). The influence of virtual reality simulation on surgical residents' heart rate during an assessment of arthroscopic technical skills: a prospective, paired observational study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, 103915.

Tronchot, A., Casy, T., Vallee, N., Common, H., Thomazeau, H., Jannin, P., & Huaulmé, A. (2023). Virtual reality simulation training improve diagnostic knee arthroscopy and meniscectomy skills: a prospective transfer validity study. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 10(1), 138.

Casy, T., Tronchot, A., Thomazeau, H., Morandi, X., Jannin, P., & Huaulmé, A. (2023). “Stand-up straight!”: human pose estimation to evaluate postural skills during orthopedic surgery simulations. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 18(2), 279-288.

Casy, T., Grasseau, A., Charras, A., Rouvière, B., Pers, J. O., Foulquier, N., & Saraux, A. (2022). Assessing the robustness of clinical trials by estimating Jadad's score using artificial intelligence approaches. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 148, 105851.

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