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Tristan Moreau - PhD student in neuroimage - Assistant professor in signal and image processing

I am currently looking for a postdoctoral position ;-)


Email : tristan.soyyo [-*at*-]
Adresse : Laboratoire de Traitement du Signal et des Images (LTSI). Equipe INSERM MediCIS. Unité U1099 LTSI
Faculté de médecine
2 Avenue du Pr. Léon Bernard
F-35043 Rennes cedex - France
Assistant : Noemie Buisard tel : +33 2 23 23 47 18

PhD thesis : Emergence of a formal semantic description of human connectomics


Neuroinformatics, IRM, connectome, tractography, connectivity-based parcellation, web semantic, ontology, clustering.


Subdividing the cortex into structural elements, known as parcellation, is a key aspect to apprehend the link between structure and function in the brain. One of the main issue of parcellation is the compilation of the human cerebral connectome and could have important medical applications in medical image as better identify important functional areas to preserve in neurosurgery.

Different aspects of human cerebral structural connectivity were investigated in this thesis using diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) and tractography, which is currently the unique technique that could reconstruct structural connectivity in vivo and non invasively.

  • A first study aimed to characterise short association bundles in the central region using a deterministic tractograhy.
  • A second study aimed to define a connectivity-based-parcellation using probabilistic tractography.
  • Finally, the purpose of the last study was to create an applicative ontology in order to produce semantic annotations of connectional fingerprints based on probabilistic tractography.

This thesis gave me the opportunity to develop of a neuroimaging tool box called taopy (cf : Software developpment).

Deterministic tractography in the central area

Probabilistic tractography of corpus callosum

High-resolution cortical parcellation

Connectivity-based parcellation of SMA/pre-SMA

Connectivity-based parcellation of Broca areas

Example of a vSparQL query on the reference ontology Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA)

Teaching 2013-2014 at université Rennes1

Lectures : 10 hours. Seminars : 42 hours. Praticals : 204 hours.

  • Master 2 : C++. ISTIC.
  • Master 1 : Signal processing (Stochastic processes, Minimisation of noise in quadratic framework, Wiener filter). ISTIC.
  • Master 1 : Computer vision (Projective geometry, Camera model, epipolar geometry and the fundammental matrix, pattern recognition in bayesian framework). ISTIC.
  • Master 1 : Java. ISTIC.
  • Licence 3 : Signal processing (Fourier transform). ISTIC.
  • Licence 3 : Probability and statistics. ISTIC.
  • Licence 2 : Signal processing (introduction to signal processing). ISTIC.
  • License 1 : Practical in physic (the exponential law).
  • Licence 1 : Office software applications (Libre Office). ISTIC.

Some ressources :


  • Engineer in Signal processing, DREAM (2006-2008).
  • Master Degree in Computer Science , Université Paris 11, Orsay, France : Machine learning, statistics, data mining, pattern recognition, virtual and augmented reality, neurobiology, cognitive psychology… Internship in Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (2005), Université Paris 11, Orsay : Evolutionary-algorithm-based data mining of electro-encephalography (EEG) pattern in neuro-imaging.
  • Master Degree in Medical Imaging : physical and physiological aspects : MRI, PET, US, neuro-imaging, cardiac imaging, oncology, image processing… Internship in Laboratoire de Neurosciences cognitives et d'imagerie cérébrale (2004), Hopital de la Salpêtrière, Paris : Atlas-based segmentation of the intern anatomy of hippocampus on MRI 1.5T.
  • Ingeneering degree in Electronic and Signal Processing : Polytech Paris-Sud (2000-2003).


  • Tristan Moreau, Bernard Gibaud, Ontology-based approach for in vivo human connectomics: the medial Brodmann area 6 case study, Fontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2015.
  • Elsa Magro, Tristan Moreau, Romuald Seizeur, Ilyess Zemmoura, Bernard Gibaud and Xavier Morandi. Connectivity within the primary motor cortex:a DTI tractography study, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy,2014,36,125-135,
  • Tristan Moreau, Bernard Gibaud. Connectivity-based parcellation of the postcentral gyrus using a spectral approach. Proc. SPIE 8669, Medical Imaging 2013: Image Processing, 86692B, 2013,
  • Elsa Magro, Tristan Moreau, Romuald Seizeur, Bernard Gibaud, and Xavier Morandi. Characterization of short white matter fiber bundles in the central area from diffusion tensor MRI,Neuroradiology,2012,54,1275-1285,
  • Elsa Magro, Tristan Moreau, Romuald Seizeur, Bernard Gibaud, and Xavier Morandi. White matter short bundles in central area from diffusion tensor MRI study,Radiological Society of North America 2011 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting,2011,
  • Elsa Magro, Tristan Moreau, Romuald Seizeur, Bernard Gibaud, and Xavier Morandi. Mise en évidence d'un faisceau de connexion au sein du gyrus précentrale en tractographie par IRM du tenseur de diffusion, Neurochirurgie,2010,56,543-,
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